Tuesday 13 November 2012


                                               My Animatic for my Music Video.


Thursday 8 November 2012

Plans For My Music Video

Location for each shot:

1. Home surroundings
2. Home surroundings
3. Home surroundings
4. Home surroundings
5. Home
6. Home surroundings
7. Home
8. Home surroundings
9. Home surroundings
10. Home
11. Home
12. Home
13. Home surroundings
14. Home
15. Home
16. Home
17. Home
18. Home
19. Home
20. Home
21. Home
22. Home
23. Home
24. Home
25. Home
26. Home surroundings - Bus Stop
27. Home
28. Home
29. East Park
30. East Park
31. East Park
32. Home
33. East Park
34. Home
35. Home
36. Home
37. East Park
38. Home surroundings
39. Home surroundings
40. Home surroundings
41. East Park
42. Anywhere
43. Anywhere
44. Anywhere
45. Home
46. Home
47. Home
48. Home surroundings
49. Home surroundings
50. Home surroundings -Bus Stop
51. City Centre
52. The Bus
53. Home
54. The Bus
55. City Centre
56. Hull Train Station
57. Hull Train Station
58. Hull Train Station
59. Hull Train Station
60. Hull Train Station
61. Hull Train Station

Tuesday 30 October 2012

Shots for my music video

1. Medium/long shot of the man sitting inside the car. Side view.
2. Close up shot of windscreen showing the man in driving seat.
3. Close up of the driving wheel and controls.
4. Close up of mobile phone in hand.
5. Medium/close up shot of the back of the woman looking out of the window.
6. Medium/close up shot of the side of the man sitting in the car. Front/side window.
7. Medium/close up shot of woman reaching for a necklace followed by tracking hands from necklace to neck.
8. Close up shot of bunch of flowers, in the back of the car.
9. Medium/close up shot of wine bottles on the passenger seat.
10.Medium/close up shot of woman singing.
11. Extreme close up shot of photo frame.
12. Medium/close up shot of woman singing.
13.Long shot of man shutting the door and walking away.
14. Medium/close up shot of woman singing.
15. Close up shot of the man walking.
16. Close up shot of an alarm clock showing time 1:15.
17. Medium/close up shot of woman singing.
18. Close up of the man packing a suitcase.
19. Medium/close up shot of woman throwing clothes into suitcase.
20. Medium/close up shot of the man, closing suitcase lid.
21. Medium/close up shot of man putting his coat on.
22. Split screen showing medium/close up shot of the side of the man walking out the door. Long shot of the back on the woman looking out of the window.
23. Long shot of man walking down the stairs, singing.
24. Close up shot of the side of the woman reaching for the phone.
25. Close up shot of a bottle of vodka and a shot glass.
26. Long shot of man at the bus stop, sitting down, singing.
27. Medium/close up shot of the side of the woman pouring the drink into glass.
28. Close up shot of drinking.
29. Long shot of lake, pan across the park towards the right.
30. Long shot of man leaning up against the tree, singing.
31. Long shot of the two sitting near the lake.
32. Man sitting alone at the lake.
33. Close up shot of a card reading 'I <3 U xxx'
34. Close up shot of man holding a photograph, which slowly tears in half.
35. Woman putting jacket on.
36. Woman walks past the right of the camera.
37. Medium/close up shot of woman walking, singing.
38. Long shot of man sitting by a tree, singing.
39. Medium/close up of woman walking.
40. Close up shot of feet/legs walking through the leaves.
41. Long/medium shot of a couple walking opposite direction on the other side of the road.
42. Long shot of man sitting by a tree, singing.
43. Extreme close up shot of paper, which reads'?'
44. '?' gets bigger.
45. '?' Increases the biggest.
46. Extreme close up shot of wine being poured into glass, backwards.
47. Extreme close up shot of wine being poured into glass, normal.
48. Extreme close up shot of drink placed up to mouth.
49. Medium long shot of the back of the man walking with his suitcase.
50. Man walking around the corner to face toward the camera, singing.
51. Medium/close up shot of woman holding arm out for the bus.
52. Medium long shot of man stood with his suitcase.
53. Close up shot of woman sitting on a seat on the bus, singing.
54. Close up shot of clock showing 1:15.
55. Close up shot of woman sitting on the bus, singing.
56. Medium/close up shot of man walking towards the camera, singing.
57. Close up shot of train departures sign.
58.Medium/close up shot of man stood with suitcase, singing.
59. Long shot of woman running into the train station.
60. Medium shot of train leaving the station.
61. Medium/close up of shot of woman, upset, singing.

Tuesday 16 October 2012

Evaluation of Deconstruction + Reconstruction of a music video (Miley Cyrus- Party In The USA)

For this task, we had to get into a group to deconstruct and reconstruct an existing music video. In my group there were 5 of us and we chose to reconstruct Miley Cyrus – Party in the USA. The task was to recreate 30 seconds of the music video however we recreated 40. This task was such a great way to help gain confidence with the technology and the editing suites. We allocated a main role to each member in the team. I was allocated to take control of the camera.

Before beginning the process, we got as much information as we could about setting up the camera, how to use a tripod to get still shots and doing tracking shots. This was really helpful for recording ours and took us around 3-5 minutes every time we used it. This really helped gain confidence and helped me understand how to set it up for future filming.

The actual video was shot in America and has a very different weather setting to that in England which caused quite problematic having to depend on the weather. The video appears bright and sunny giving it that whole optimistic outlook. When filming ours, we took every advantage of the days when some sun came into view however it wasn’t always possible to get those good days as filming needed to continue. In the video, Miley Cyrus is wearing shorts and t-shirt with cowboy boots, so to keep ours looking similar to the real thing we had to ensure the cast had similar summer styled clothes. Due to having to shoot on different days, it was also essential that cast bring their costume to maintain the continuity. It was necessary for the video to be filmed in a car park preferably looking dusty, old and full. We realised this could be a problem because we couldn’t use the car park within the college grounds. However after loads of thought, we worked as a team and came up with lots of ideas and then decided to meet up at the KC Stadium car park on a Wednesday afternoon due to early finish Wednesdays. All the cast and extra people we needed all attended to perform which created a really nice team presence. We got a lot of our filming that was needed done here and so after this, anything else needed to film was easier to do.

We needed to film a few seconds with a black car which was exactly like the one in the real video, so we managed to get our media teacher’s help to borrow his car one lunch time. This was managed to be filmed really quickly because we had recorded what needed doing and was able to just get done.

After filming everything, the editing took us around 3 days in total to get 40 seconds of film. We managed fairly well with editing our music video and never encountered any problems because we always had our storyboards with us to ensure we could get our music video as close to identical as we could and also to get the video in sync with the song. Tasks were allocated to each member of the team within the group which meant everyone got to experiment with everything which was really good because it gave us all an idea about how to work different things and made us a good team. We were always aware of what was going to happen each day in regards to filming and who was doing what. This was helpful because it meant we finished by the deadline.

After finishing this task, I have grown so much more confident with the camera as I was terrified to use it before and was unsure how to place a good angled shot. I also feel a lot better on the editing suites because they look more difficult than they are which gave me so much relief. However, without having our planned out storyboards nearby, I don’t think our work would have been quite as good or even finished without planning first before doing, so this task has benefited me into knowing how crucial it is to always plan before hand.

Thursday 4 October 2012

Production Plan

Times and days where and what for

Wednesday 3rd

3pm - KC Stadium Car park to film the whole video (if raining, still to meet in oak)

Everyone needed to attend


Abby - Black car


Everyone - summer weather clothes (shorts/t-shirts)

Charlotte - cowboy boots

Friday 28 September 2012

Audience Feedback

Audience Feedback 1 - Lauren Murphy & Charlotte Hemsworth

Audience Feedback 2 - Rebecca Foster

Wednesday 26 September 2012

Deconstruction and Reconstruction of a Media Text

For this task we had to get into groups and re-shoot 30 seconds of an existing music video using a storyboard that we had done over the summer holidays. In my group are:

Charlotte Hemsworth - Cast
Kiera Pollard - Camera
Abbie Hardy - Director
Becky Foster - Editor
Lauren Murphy - Producer

As a group we have decided to re-shoot 30 seconds of Miley Cyrus' music video for Party in the USA.

As this video includes other people we have gathered together some people to act as additional cast in the music video.

Wednesday 19 September 2012

Lady Antebellum-Need You Now Lyrics

                                                                   "Need You Now"

Picture perfect memories scattered all around the floor.
Reaching for the phone 'cause I can't fight it anymore.
And I wonder if I ever cross your mind?
For me it happens all the time.

It's a quarter after one, I'm all alone and I need you now.
Said I wouldn't call but I've lost all control and I need you now.
And I don't know how I can do without.
I just need you now.

Another shot of whiskey, can't stop looking at the door.
Wishing you'd come sweeping in the way you did before.
And I wonder if I ever cross your mind?
For me it happens all the time.

It's a quarter after one, I'm a little drunk and I need you now.
Said I wouldn't call but I've lost all control and I need you now.
And I don't know how I can do without.
I just need you now.

Oh whoa
Yes I'd rather hurt than feel nothing at all.

It's a quarter after one, I'm all alone and I need you now.
And I said I wouldn't call but I'm a little drunk and I need you now.
Well I don't know how I can do without.
I just need you now
I just need you now.
Oh baby I need you now.

Friday 14 September 2012

Skill Development

For my Foundation Portfolio in the first year, it required having to complete a preliminary task followed by the main task. The preliminary task required having to create a college magazine front cover and contents page. Throughout this task, I had to include the conventions for any current existing magazines. For example headlines, mastheads, splash. The target audience of the magazine is aimed towards 16-19 year olds mainly being students, meaning all information inside had to be relevant for them. This also meant keeping the cost minimal to ensure that it was affordable for students as it is typically known that students don’t have a lot of money. The purpose of doing this task was to find out what our good skills were and what skills we needed to improve in order to start the main task for the foundation portfolio. Without doing this preliminary task, I think it would have been really difficult going straight on to the main task. It really helped to improve the skills that I struggled with.

For the actual main task, I had to create a music magazine front cover, contents page and double page spread. All images and text had to be original and had to include 4 images minimum. This meant having to decide on a particular genre to base my magazine upon which would need to appeal to a specific audience. This meant it was essential to include all the codes and conventions for all existing music magazines. I decided on creating a pop music magazine for my genre and took a look at the conventions from VIBE and NME music magazines. These magazines would have a target audience of people ranging from ages 16-25; this is due to the mast amount of people within this age range really liking or listening to the genre of music.

For the foundation portfolio, it was necessary for me to use Adobe Photoshop CS5 in order to manipulate the photos that I had taken and give them a more professional look about them. When starting AS media studies, I had been given a brief introduction to this software and had used it for the starter task at the beginning of the year. However when starting the foundation portfolio, it was still quite new to me and I had a lot more skills to learn about it before really knowing what to do and how to use it. Throughout the year, I have now learnt a lot more skills to do with the software. I am now aware how to edit my photographs to a higher standard and know a lot more tools to use to create different effects on the photograph and learnt how to get rid of spots and blemishes which came in really useful. I used a lot of photos and tested them out on Photoshop before I started creating the tasks.

It was quite scary to be given these tasks and now knowing anything about Photoshop in order to complete them. However, being given the preliminary task really helped. Getting the experience of making a college magazine, it was fun getting to experiment with different images and making them work within the magazine. It helps to boost my skills and enabled me to be a lot more confident when producing my music magazine as I then felt that I had a lot more experience and better understand with the software.

When editing photographs, the first major thing to do to manipulate the photo was learning to use the quick selection tool. This was quite tricky to master until I got the hang of it, I found that it would cut parts of the photo out that I wanted to keep in. After learning how to use this correctly, I then got taught to use the blur tool to smooth the edges around the photo so that it wasn’t obviously seen as being photo shopped and the outside edges of people in the photograph wouldn’t be rough looking.

After experimenting with all of these tools in the preliminary task, I felt really confident that my finished overall college magazine was at a good standard for what I know at the time. However, after re using these tools and using more knowledge and skills with my music magazine, in comparison I feel the end result of my music magazine turned out far better than the college magazine. The images are far better on my music magazine than on my college magazine because I discovered the tools I used for my music magazine toward the end of the year which meant I was unaware of them during the time of creating my college magazine.

Overall, since beginning media I have gained so much more confidence using Photoshop software and being able to manipulate photos for creating magazines. I have also gained a lot more awareness to the importance of researching conventions as it really helps to understand things that are similar to what I am doing as it relates so much and I can use other ideas and corporate them into my own.  Now that I know a lot more about Photoshop, it is the main reason for having a higher standard quality in my music magazine compared to my college magazine. Also, being more aware of the conventions, it gave me a lot more knowledge about laying out the magazine and how the magazines are put together. This helped me when structuring my own music magazine. During the preliminary task, I made a structure of the contents page so I would know exactly how to lay it out when I had all photographs and text ready, this was great preparation for continuing onto the music magazine. Going through these processes throughout the year I think has helped me produce a good quality music magazine; it was set at a considerably cheap price and it also appeals to my target audience.

Key Audience Terms

Qualitative data:  Data that is non-numerical, or not easily reduced to numbers, collected for the purpose of discovering underlying meaning and patterns of relationships. For instance, what people think about their own neighborhoods, or how neighbors feel about their neighborhood, is qualitative data.

Quantitative data: Information that can be counted or expressed numerically. Examples of quantitative data are age, personal income and amount of time.

Demographic data: Characteristics of human populations, such as size, growth, density, distribution, and vital statistics.

Psychographic data: This is used to collect data about an audience's personality, values, attitudes, interests and lifestyles.

Thursday 13 September 2012

Influential Media Questions

1. What artist would you associate with this music video?
2. Do you think the lyrics relate to the narrative?
3. Does the narrative capture the emotions of the song?
4. How would you rate the editing of this music video? 

Wednesday 12 September 2012

Influential Media Texts

How would you rate the following:

Editing                              1---------------10
Cinematography               1  --------------- 10
Mise-en-scene                  1 --------------- 10
Lighting                            1 --------------- 10
Performance of the artist 1 --------------- 10

Friday 7 September 2012

Summary Of Summer Work

During the Summer, I have looked at various numbers of music videos of my chosen genre and have posted a few of these videos onto  my blog. By looking into the conventions of music videos, it has given me a lot more ideas and creativeness for when I create my own. I have also begun creating a storyboard for my music video, which sketches of each shot and explaining what is happening within each shot.

Friday 10 August 2012

My Chosen Artist-Lady Antebellum

My chosen artist for the music video is Lady Antebellum, who is an American country pop music group formed in Nashville, Tennessee in 2006. It is composed of Hillary Scott, Charles Kelley and Dave Haywood.

Tuesday 31 July 2012


Country music is a genre of American popular music that originated in the rural regions of the Southern United States in the 1920s. It takes its roots from south-eastern American folk music, Western cowboy. Blues mode has been used extensively throughout its recorded history. Country music often consists of ballads and dance tunes with generally simple forms and harmonies accompanied by mostly string instruments such as banjos, electric and acoustic guitars, fiddles, and harmonicas.

The term country music gained popularity in the 1940s in preference to the earlier term hillbilly music; it came to encompass Western music, which evolved parallel to hillbilly music from similar roots, in the mid-20th century. The term country music is used today to describe many styles and subgenres. In 2009 country music was the most listened to rush hour radio genre during the evening commute, and second most popular in the morning commute in the United States

Here are some examples:

Monday 30 July 2012


Pop music is very diverse, often borrowing elements from other styles including 
urban, dance, rock, Latin and country; nonetheless, there are core elements which define pop. Such include generally short-to-medium length songs, written in a basic format (often the verse-chorus structure), as well as the common employment of repeated choruses, melodic tunes, and catchy hooks.

Examples of pop music videos:

Thursday 26 July 2012

Music Video - Codes + Conventions

Usually a music video is either a form of performance, narrative and abstract. This portrays the music video as a certain style. The genre of music I have chosen for my music video is country, this is often styled in the form of narrative for example Taylor Swift is a very well-known country singer and her music videos tell the story of her songs, an example of this could be ‘We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together’ telling the story of a recent break up. I will be using this form of narrative in my music video. Generally, in narrative videos, there is a lot of emotion behind the story and the artists will bring meaning to the lyrics to make it so much easier for their audience to empathise with the general feel to the music.

Country music is one of the oldest genres of music to date. It originated in the 1920s in Southern parts of the US, and it has slowly spread to all parts of the world. Country music is the most popular genre throughout the United States and often wins Grammy awards over the majority of other genres that we would consider 'mainstream'. The defining characteristic of country music is an acoustic guitar, with just the vocals of the singer to accompany it. Country music has changed over the years, adopting a more modern style, mixing with other genres in order to attract a larger and more diverse audience.

Many country music videos tend to have a strong narrative aspect and the artist will more than not always feature within the video.  It is generally set in very stereotypical locations such as rural areas which help to create the effect of emotions and the mise-en-scene tends to be very tradition or set in an elder generation. A lot of music videos are being influence by other types of genre, the song ‘Need You Now’ by Lady Antebellum, is the song I have chosen for my music video and has been influence by the genre of pop.


Music videos tend to include many long shots, close ups and mid shots. This creates emphasis on the artist, location and emotions. Close ups are also used to reflect the words of the song showing the movement of the lips of the artist.

The movement of the camera is used to follow the artist. They include tilts, pans and tracking. Low angles are used to make the single appear powerful as the main focus has to be the singer. Reverse zooms of the singers are used so that they appear visible to the audience.


Props are used to help tell the story, as a music video is very similar to being a short film. Different clothes and costumes are used to portray the character and it reflects the genre as it can connect to the theme of the video. Costume is really important as it can have a slight influence on how the viewers will dress because they will use their role models as inspiration. The lighting is a big part of the mise-en-scene as this creates the mood or atmosphere to the video. Depending on the mood, whether it be a happy cheery song, the lighting is more than likely going to be bright however if the song is bleak and sad the lighting with be dark and grungy. However some videos have artificial lighting which puts the artists in an enhanced look.


Montage and continuity editing is often used for music videos. This appears when the singer appears singing the song however there are odd bits of montages within the music video fading in and out at different times to help the audience understand the whole story behind the music. Jump cuts are a frequently used technique used in music videos as this allows a sudden change from one scene to the next. Also, fade and dissolve are very common too as they create different effects within the video.


The sound used in the music videos is sometimes going to be diegetic and sometimes non-diegetic.

Tuesday 26 June 2012

Brief Specification

A promotion package for the release of an album, to include a music promo video, together with two of the following three options:
  • a website homepage for the band;
  • a cover for its release as part of a digipak;
  • a magazine advertisement for the digipak.