Tuesday 22 January 2013

The Filming Process

I booked a camera out from the 21st December to the 7th January, in order to continue the filming for my music video over the Christmas period. When returning to college in January, I had to turn my attention more towards my upcoming exams that are in January meaning my filming had to be put on hold for a short while. I hope to return back to filming by the end of January.

However, in the meantime this allows me to carry out research for my album cover and promotion package whilst also continuing research towards my music video.

Currently, there has been a big fall of snow which affects my music video because it isn't possible to shoot any shots outside until it has gone. In theory, it could be seen okay to shoot outside although if I need any shots to be re done, it will lack continuity as it would mean being very dependant on the weather.


Friday 18 January 2013

Shots to be filmed..


1. Medium/long shot of the man sitting inside the car. Side view.
2. Close up shot of windscreen showing the man in driving seat.
3. Close up of the driving wheel and controls.
6. Medium/close up shot of the side of the man sitting in the car. Front/side window.
8. Close up shot of bunch of flowers, in the back of the car.
9. Medium/close up shot of wine bottles on the passenger seat.
11. Extreme close up shot of photo frame.
13.Long shot of man shutting the door and walking away.
15. Close up shot of the man walking.
21. Medium/close up shot of man putting his coat on.
22. Split screen showing medium/close up shot of the side of the man walking out the door.
23. Long shot of man walking down the stairs, singing.
26. Long shot of man at the bus stop, sitting down, singing.
29. Long shot of lake, pan across the park towards the right.
30. Long shot of man leaning up against the tree, singing.
31. Long shot of the two sitting near the lake.
32. Man sitting alone at the lake.
33. Close up shot of a card reading 'I <3 U xxx'
34. Close up shot of man holding a photograph, which slowly tears in half.
38. Long shot of man sitting by a tree, singing.
41. Long/medium shot of a couple walking opposite direction on the other side of the road.
42. Long shot of man sitting by a tree, singing.
50. Man walking around the corner to face toward the camera, singing.
53. Close up shot of woman sitting on a seat on the bus, singing.
55. Close up shot of woman sitting on a seat on the bus, singing.
56. Medium/close up shot of man walking towards the camera, singing.


4. Close up of mobile phone in hand.
5. Medium/close up shot of the back of the woman looking out of the window.
7. Medium/close up shot of woman reaching for a necklace followed by tracking hands from necklace to neck.
10.Medium/close up shot of woman singing.
12. Medium/close up shot of woman singing.
14. Medium/close up shot of woman singing.
17. Medium/close up shot of woman singing.
22. Long shot of the back on the woman looking out of the window.
24. Close up shot of the side of the woman reaching for the phone.
25. Close up shot of a bottle of vodka and a shot glass.
27. Medium/close up shot of the side of the woman pouring the drink into glass.
28. Close up shot of drinking.
35. Woman putting jacket on.
36. Woman walks past the right of the camera.
46. Extreme close up shot of wine being poured into glass, backwards.
47. Extreme close up shot of wine being poured into glass, normal.
48. Extreme close up shot of drink placed up to mouth.


18. Close up of the man packing a suitcase.
19. Medium/close up shot of woman throwing clothes into suitcase.
20. Medium/close up shot of the man, closing suitcase lid.
49. Medium long shot of the back of the man walking with his suitcase.
52. Medium long shot of man stood with his suitcase.
58.Medium/close up shot of man stood with suitcase, singing.

Wednesday 2 January 2013

Album Cover Ideas

Album cover:
Name Ideas:
* Plain Background
* Blurred General Back Setting
* Trees (Park Setting)
* Simple, Plain + Bold

Some ideas that fit around my genre of music that inspire me: